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Operating Differential Subsidy Agreement


A computed characteristic of a particular river basin, expressed as the time difference between the time-center of mass of rainfall and the time-center of mass of resulting runoff.


The water that is forced into a boiler to take the place of that which is evaporated in the generation of steam.

Category:Energy Terms

A type of radiant heating system where the radiator is located along an exterior wall where the wall meets the floor.

Category:Energy Terms

A term used on the London Stock Exchange to describe a share purchase or sale. The term does not.

Category:Financial Terms


Ukrainian Register


Are any material with an affinity for moisture. These analyzers use sensing elements that contain moisture adsorbing material. A change in the moisture content of the element is detected by an electric network and is used as a measurement of dew point

Category:Sea Words


Stands for "Immediate Exit." In the U.S., Customs IE Form is used when goods are brought into the U.S. and are to be immediately re-exported without being transported within the U.S.

Category:Sea Words


Commodity Box Rate.


ECOnomic & SOCial Counsil of the United NationsUN agency parenting the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation, and the IMO.



Loading Instrument


A written receipt in full, in discharge from all claims.

Category:Sea Words


Tons Per Centimeter (Immersion)



Estimated Time of ReadinessTime at which the ship will be ready to load, for instance when the crew has to clean the holds first.


Marine Assistance Request Broadcasts.


A rain gauge which indicates but does not record the amount of precipitation captured.


Two metals of different coefficients of expansion welded together so that the piece will bend in one direction when heated, and in the other when cooled, and can be used to open or close electrical circuits, as in thermostats.

Category:Energy Terms

In a ship with multiple cabins, the cabin closest to the stern.

Category:Sea Words

A temperature scale on which the freezing point of water equals 32


An instrument which determines the altitude of an object with respect to a fixed level. There are two general types of altimeters: (a) the pressure altimeter, which gives an approximate measure of altitude from a pressure measurement and an assumed standa ...
