Pieces of soft wood, covered with canvass, placed on the trestle-trees, for the eyes of the rigging to rest upon.
Long cylindrical bars of iron or copper, used to secure or unite the different parts of a vessel.
A bill of materials (also known as a BOM or bill of material) is a comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies and other materials required to create a product, ...
A term meaning 'in good faith'. For example a person entering into an insurance contract is.
On older sailing ships, an additional lateen shaped mizzen sail carried on the fourth mast, known as a bonaventure mizzen.
The generic name for a tradable loan security issued by governments and companies as a means of .
In the US, a short term municipal or state note which is repaid from the proceeds of a forthcoming.
Yield calculations on bonds aim to show the return on a gilt or bond as a percentage of either.
Corporate and government bonds are generally considered a safe form of investment compared to.
Yield calculations on bonds aim to show the return on a gilt or bond as a percentage of either.
Freight moving under a bond to U.S. Customs or to the Internal Revenue Service, and to be delivered only under stated conditions.
A warehouse authorized by Customs authorities for storage of goods on which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed.
In reference to solid biomass fuels, such as wood, having zero moisture content.