Money paid by life insurance companies to policyholders based on endowment policies and.
The cover of a scuttle-way or small hatchway which leads to to or from a store room, cabin of small craft, crew's quarters, the forecastle or fore peak.
A record maintained by a trading specialist of buy and sell orders for a given.
When a company is about to have a new issue of shares (possibly an IPO), its advisers may well do.
Reservation number used to secure equipment and act as a control number prior to completion of a B/L.
A forward pricing sales arrangement in which the cash price is determined, either by the buyer or.
The logic of binary systems, such as control systems in which all operations may be reduced to on-off, open-closed, or similar dichotomous basis.
A notched support for the boom when the sail is not raised. Unlike a gallows frame, a crutch is stowed when boat is sailing.
A block and tackle attached to the boom and the deck to prevent the main from gybing when sailing downwind