A horizontal axis wind turbine in which the rotor is downwind of the tower.

Category:Energy Terms

To take in, or lower a sail. To put out a light. To cover with water.

Category:Sea Words


Dynamic positioning



Designated Person Ashore.For the ISM Code, any member of the Owner's staff who is aware of the problem of the vessels, and who has a direct access to the top management.



Dirty Petroleum Products.



1.Dead reckoning.2.Double Reduction.3. Dead Reckoning


A column of burning combustion gases that are so hot and strong that the heat is lost up the chimney before it can be transferred to the house. A draft brings air to the fire to help keep it burning.

Category:Energy Terms

An order in writing by one party to another party to pay a specified sum to a third party or bearer.

Category:Financial Terms

This can refer to a bank cheque (as opposed to a customer cheque) or it can refer to a bill of exchange.

Category:Financial Terms

The depth of the boat below the waterline; the amount of vertical distance from a boats water line to the bottom of it's keel.(2) The depth of water necessary to float a vessel(3) The belly or chord depth of the sail, its fullness

Category:Sea Words

The depth of a ship in the water. The vertical distance between the waterline and the keel, in the U.S. expressed in feet, elsewhere in meters.

Category:Sea Words

The distance from the surface of the water to the ship's keel (how deep the ship is into the water).

Category:Sea Words

The number of feet that the hull of a ship is beneath the surface of the water.

Category:Sea Words

A door-like device located at the mouth of a fireplace chimney flue for controlling the direction and flow of the draft in the fireplace as well as the amount of oxygen that the fire receives.

Category:Energy Terms

A device built into or installed above a combustion appliance to assure the escape of combustion byproducts, to prevent backdrafting of the appliance, or to neutralize the effects of the stack action of the chimney or vent on the operation of the applianc ...

Category:Energy Terms

On ships, the stern and stem are marked in feet to show the draft or depth of the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

An order issued by a seller against a purchaser; directs payment, usually through an intermediary bank. Typical bank drafts are negotiable instruments and are similar in many ways to checks on checking accounts in a bank.

Category:Sea Words

A draft to which no documents are attached.

Category:Sea Words

A draft that matures on a fixed date, regardless of the time of acceptance.

Category:Sea Words

A time draft under a letter of credit that has been accepted and purchased by a bank at a discount.

Category:Sea Words