Conventional turbine generators are used with the dry steam resources. The steam is used directly, eliminating the need for boilers and boiler fuel that characterizes other steam-power-generating technologies. This technology is limited because dry-steam ...
Is one in which there is no liquid injection and/or liquid circulation for evaporative cooling or sealing.
Technically, the temperature registered by the dry-bulb thermometer of a psychrometer. However, it is identical with the temperature of the air and may also be used in that sense.
Companion to the wet-bulb thermometer in a psychrometer. Used to measure ambient air temperature.
A container constructed to carry grain, powder and other free-flowing solids in bulk. Used in conjunction with a tilt chassis or platform.
An oil capable of conversion from a liquid to a solid by slow reaction with oxygen in the air.
Digital Selective CallingGMDSS System: MF/HF/VHF facility which allows for automatic access to coast stations equipped with the system. A short list to select the quickly the nature of distress is available, unfortunately the "pirate attack" had been forg ...
Subcommittee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes, and Containers (IMO)