A unit or measure of solar radiation; 1 calorie per square meter or 3.69 Btu per square foot.

Category:Energy Terms

A rope made fast to an article for securing it (knife lanyard, bucket lanyard, etc.), or for setting up rigging.

Category:Sea Words

A Short line used to attach one thing to another - a short rope or cord that secures or attaches an item onboard a boat, usually for keeping it attached to the boat

Category:Sea Words

A large foresail which extends aft behind the mast.

Category:Sea Words

A curve showing the variation of temperature with height in the free air. See lapse rate.


The decrease of an atmospheric variable with height, the variable being temperature, unless otherwise specified.


The overlapping of wooden planks, used to form the outer surface of a boat's hull.

Category:Sea Words

The original name for the left side of the vessel when facing forward. The name was changed to Port to avoid any confusion with starboard, the right side of the vessel when facing forward.

Category:Sea Words

See calorie.


Latin America Shipowners' Association


A maritime industry abbreviation for "Lighter Aboard Ship." A specially constructed vessel equipped with an overhead crane for lifting specially designed barges and stowing them into cellular slots in an athwartship position.

Category:Sea Words

To tie something with a line; to secure

Category:Sea Words

A rope securing pieces together.

Category:Sea Words

A rope used for securing any movable object in place

Category:Sea Words

To sail large, with wind about four points abaft beam.

Category:Sea Words




Narrow triangular sail set on a long yard or spar, the forward end of which is hauled down so that it sets obliquely on the mast with a high peak.

Category:Sea Words

The load created by moisture in the air, including from outside air infiltration and that from indoor sources such as occupants, plants, cooking, showering, etc.

Category:Energy Terms

The change in heat content that occurs with a change in phase and without change in temperature.

Category:Energy Terms

The quantity of heat produced to change a unit weight of a liquid to vapor with no change in temperature.

Category:Energy Terms

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