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An electrochemical battery that uses lead and lead oxide for electrodes and sulfuric acid for the electrolyte.

Category:Energy Terms

A line with a weight on the end used to measure depth. The lead is dropped into the water and marks on the line are read to determine the current water depth. The lead usually has a cavity to return a sample of the bottom type mud, sand, etc.

Category:Sea Words

A single block such as a snatch block used as a fairlead to bring a line in a more favorable direction.

Category:Sea Words

In reference to a wind energy conversion system, the area of a turbine blade surface that first comes into contact with the wind.

Category:Energy Terms

Unlit navigational aids for use during the day. They mark a bearing to a channel when they are lined up one above the other. Leading lights are lighted at night and serve the same purpose.

Category:Sea Words

A measure of distance approximately 3 nautical miles. One-twentieth of a degree of latitude.

Category:Sea Words

A crack or hole that accidentally admits a gas or lets it escape.

Category:Sea Words

The eutectic of the iron-carbon system, the constituents of which are austenite and cementite. The austenite decomposes into ferrite and cementite on cooling below the temperature at which transformation of austenite to ferrite or ferrite plus cementite i ...

Sailing with the tiller over to leeward by force of the wind

Category:Sea Words

Heavy roll to leeward with a beam wind.

Category:Sea Words

A shore that wind blows onto; it is best to stay well off a lee shore in a storm

Category:Sea Words

The land to the leeward of the vessel (wind blows from the ship to the land).

Category:Sea Words

A wave disturbance in airflow due to some barrier in the flow. i.e. a hill or mountain.


Boards fixed vertically to a boat to prevent leeway

Category:Sea Words

In sailboat racing, to disturb the wind of a windward boat by positioning your boat a bit ahead and to leeward. If done correctly, the disturbed air hitting the windward boat will slow it down, leaving it at a distinct disadvantage and causing it to tack ...

Category:Sea Words

After or trailing edge of a sail; the after edge of a fore-and-aft sail and the outer edges of a square sail.

Category:Sea Words

A line used to tighten the leech of a sail, helping to create proper sail shape.

Category:Sea Words

Cloths hung on the lee side of a berth to keep one from rolling out of their bunk

Category:Sea Words

Facing away from the wind.


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