
Category:Sea Words

A measurement. Outside diameter.

Category:Sea Words

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris with membership consisting of the world's developed nations. Office of Global Maritime Situational Awareness (OGMSA)It is the United States initiative to establish a world–wid ...


Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Category:Sea Words




A material made of tarred hemp or manila rope fibers, used for caulking seams of decks and sides of a wooden ship in order to make them watertight.

Category:Sea Words

Material used for caulking the seams of vessels and made from the loose fibers of old hemp rope.

Category:Sea Words


A pole with a blade at the end used to row a rowboat. Oars are different than paddles because they have a provision to be secured to the rowboat for rowing, such as an oarlock. The three parts to an oar are: the blade, the part which enters the water; the ...

Category:Sea Words

A device to attach oars to a rowboat, allowing the operator to row rather than paddle the boat.

Category:Sea Words

A multipurpose ship that can carry ore, heavy dry bulk goods and oil. Although more expensive to build, they ultimately are more economical because they can make return journeys with cargo rather than empty as single-purpose ships often must.

Category:Sea Words


On-Board Quantity (before loading)





An atmospheric phenomenon, other than clouds, which obscures a portion of the sky from the point of observation. Also called obscuration.


The difference between the true value of some quantity and its observed value. Every observation is subject to certain errors. Systematic errors affect the whole of a series of observations in nearly the same way. For example, the scale of an instrument m ...


A position or fix determined by observing landmarks or other objects to find the position.

Category:Sea Words


Oil-Lubricated Stern Bearing, Continuous Liner on Tailshaft



1.Ore Carrier.2.Oil-lubricated stern bearing, continuous liner on tailshaft.3.Optical character recognition.



Operations Control Centre (INMARSAT)


Those exposures typically occurring once per week, or less frequently.


A navigational light which turns on and off in a regular pattern, but is on more than it is off, so the period of light is longer than the period of darkness.

Category:Sea Words

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