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The period of low energy demand, as opposed to maximum, or peak, demand.

Category:Energy Terms

The officer in charge of the watch.

Category:Sea Words

Dining room facilities for officers separate from the crew and passenger dining room.

Category:Sea Words

Seaward, a safe distance from shore; To keep an offing is to keep a safe distance away from the coast because of navigational dangers, fog, or other hazards.

Category:Sea Words

Away from land, toward the water.

Category:Sea Words

Special vessels employed in exploration for, development of or continuous production of, subsea oil and gas.

Category:Sea Words

Wind blowing from off the shore.

Category:Sea Words

Any point of sailing away from the wind.

Category:Sea Words

In a given electrical circuit, the amount of current in amperes (i) is equal to the pressure in volts (V) divided by the resistance, in ohms (R).

Category:Energy Terms

A measure of the electrical resistance of a material equal to the resistance of a circuit in which the potential difference of 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere.

Category:Energy Terms

A product of crude oil that is used for space heating, diesel engines, and electrical generation.

Category:Energy Terms

A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gas.

Category:Sea Words

Used in emergencies, this is a container which allows oil to drip into the sea in heavy weather. An oil slick is produced which prevents waves from breaking over the deck of a boat.

Category:Sea Words

A bag filled with oil and triced over the side for making a slick in a rough sea (to keep seas from breaking).

Category:Sea Words

A labyrinth type filter having the active surfaces continuously splashed with oil. Most pollutants are absorbed by the oil which when circulated releases its pollutants, which sink by gravity to the bottom of the oil pan.

Category:Sea Words

A positive displacement air compressor which has no oil injected into the compression chamber for lubrication, cooling or sealing

Category:Sea Words

Consists of a vessel which is a combination of oil sump and oil separator, an oil cooler and an oil filter.

Category:Sea Words

Oil Pollution.


Waterproof clothing.

Category:Sea Words

The captain of the ship.

Category:Sea Words

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