A type of insulation made from virgin basalt, an igneous rock, and spun into loose fill or a batt. It is fire resistant and helps with soundproofing.
A rocket designed primarily for routine upper air observations in the lower 250,000 feet of the atmosphere, especially that portion inaccessible to balloons (above 100,000 feet).
A high-altitude sounding system consisting of a small solid- propellant research rocket carried aloft by a large plastic balloon. The rocket is fired near the maximum altitude of the balloon flight.
A system of reefing a sail by partially furling it. Roller furling systems are not necessarily designed to support roller reefing.
- A hitch used for bending a line to a spar, which if tied properly, won't slip. The end of the line is passed around the spar and then passed a second time around so it rides over the standing part. Then it is carried across and up through the bight.
Read Only Memory. A memory that cannot be altered in normal use of a computer, Usually used to store information permanently, such as firmware programs.
A building element that provides protection against the sun, wind, and precipitation.
A solar energy collection device consisting of containers of water located on a roof that absorb solar energy during the day so that the heat can be used at night or that cools a building by evaporation at night.
A stationary or rotating vent used to ventilate attics or cathedral ceilings; usually made of galvanized steel, or polypropylene.