MT 100 - bank payment on behalf of a customer.MT 400 - bank payment in settlement of a collection.MT 700 - bank issuance of a letter of credit.
An area of the North Atlantic east of the Bahamas where a powerful eddy in the water causes Sargasso weed to collect in vast quantities and float on the surface.
Is one in which the space occupied by the mixture is saturated with water vapor at the mixture temperature.
A reference electrode composed of mercury, mercurous chloride (calomel), and a saturated aqueous chloride solution.
Is the pressure existing at a given temperature in a closed vessel containing a liquid and the vapor from that liquid after equilibrium conditions have been reached. It is dependent only on temperature and must be determined experimentally.
Occurs when the vapor is at the dew point or saturation temperature corresponding to its partial pressure. A gas in never saturated with a vapor. However, the space occupied jointly by the gas and vapor may be saturated.
The condition of the atmosphere when the amount of water vapor present is the maximum possible at the existing temperature.
A polariscope consisting of a specially constructed double plate polarizer and a tourmaline plate analyzer. Polarized light passing through the instrument is indicated by the presence of parallel colored fringes, while unpolarized light results in a unifo ...