A measure of seasonal or annual efficiency of a central air conditioner or air conditioning heat pump. It takes into account the variations in temperature that can occur within a season and is the average number of Btu of cooling delivered for every watt- ...

Category:Energy Terms

Ratio of useful energy output of a device to the energy input, averaged over an entire heating season.

Category:Energy Terms

Wood, used for fuel, that has been air dried so that it contains 15 to 20 percent moisture content (wet basis).

Category:Energy Terms

The stationary seating surface, the inlet of a valve.

Category:Sea Words

The fitness of a vessel for its intended use.

Category:Sea Words

Statement on the condition of the vessel. The sufficiency of a vessel in materials, construction, equipment, crew and outfit for the trade in which it is employed. Any sort of disrepair to the vessel by which the cargo may suffer, overloading, untrained o ...

Category:Sea Words

Capable of putting to sea and able to meet sea conditions.

Category:Sea Words

A white disk 12" or more in diameter which is lowered into the sea to estimate transparency of the water. The depths are noted at which it first disappears when lowered and reappears when raised.


On steam vessels has responsibility for the boilers, on diesels, the evaporators and the auxiliary equipment.

Category:Sea Words

Old nickname for a second mate.

Category:Sea Words

The ratio of the minimum amount of work or energy required to perform a task to the amount actually used.

Category:Energy Terms

Heat cannot, of itself, pass from a colder to a hotter body.

Category:Sea Words

This law states that no device can completely and continuously transform all of the energy supplied to it into useful energy.

Category:Energy Terms

In charge of twelve to four watch. Ships navigation officer. Keeps charts (maps) up to date and monitors navigation equipment on bridge.

Category:Sea Words

An instrument whose calibration is determined by comparison with an absolute instrument.


A port that is not directly listed in the tide tables but for which information is available as a difference from a nearby standard port.

Category:Sea Words

A rainbow of angular radius of about 50


A drawing representing the internal parts of a vessel as if she had been cut straight through, either longitudinally or athwartships. It shows the positions of the frames and their exact curvature in relation to the hull shape.

Category:Sea Words

An arc of a circle in which certain types of navigational lights known as sector lights are visible.

Category:Sea Words

To make fast; safe; the completion of a drill or exercise on board ship.

Category:Sea Words