Rules for letters of credit drawn up by the Commission on Banking Technique and Practices of the International Chamber of Commerce in consultation with the banking associations of many countries. See Terms of Payment.

A train of a specified number of railcars, perhaps 100, which remain as a unit for a designated destination or until a change in routing is made.

Compressors of 20 HP or less, generally combined with all the components required to put the into operation.

An air conditioner consisting of one or more assemblies that move, clean, cool, and dehumidify air.

The consolidation of a quantity of individual items into one large shipping unit for easier handling.- Loading one or more large items of cargo onto a single piece of equipment, such as a pallet.

The power that is consumed to overcome the frictional losses when operating in an unloaded condition.

A reversing thermometer (for seawater temperature) which is not protected against hydrostatic pressure. The mercury bulb is therefore squeezed, and the amount of mercury broken off on reversal is a function of both temperature and of hydrostatic pressure.

A combustion heating appliance that vents the combustion by-products directly into the heated space. The latest models have oxygen-sensors that shut off the unit when the oxygen level in the room falls below a safe level.