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The amount of work accomplished by electrical power, usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). One kWh is 1,000 Watts and is equal to 3,413 Btu.2.The energy of moving electrons.

Category:Energy Terms

A device mounted in the vent connector that closes the vent when the heating unit is not firing. This traps heat inside the heating system and house rather than letting it draft up and out the vent system.

Category:Energy Terms

The ratio of a photovoltaic cell's actual power to its power if both current and voltage were at their maxima. A key characteristic in evaluating cell performance.

Category:Energy Terms

An apparatus for converting the energy available in the wind to mechanical energy that can be used to power machinery (grain mills, water pumps) and to operate an electrical generator.

Category:Energy Terms

The prescribed level of pollutants allowed in outside or indoor air as established by legislation.

Category:Energy Terms

The transformation on a compound or material into one or more substances by heat alone (without oxidation). Often called destructive distillation. Pyrolysis of biomass is the thermal degradation of the material in the absence of reacting gases, and occus ...

Category:Energy Terms

A tube in which combustion gases from a combustion appliance are vented out of the appliance to the outdoors.

Category:Energy Terms

A WECS that is used to grind grain, and that typically has a high-solidity rotor; commonly used to refer to all types of WECS.

Category:Energy Terms

A long, underground metal or plastic pipe through which air is drawn. As air travels through the pipe it gives up some of its heat to the soil, and enters the house as cooler air.

Category:Energy Terms

To heat a gaseous mixture to the temperature at which combustion takes place.

Category:Energy Terms

An air conditioner consisting of one or more assemblies that move, clean, cool, and dehumidify air.

Category:Energy Terms

A type of insulation, composed of small diameter pink, yellow, or white glass fibers, formed into blankets or batts, or used in loose-fill and blown-in applications.

Category:Energy Terms

A unit of rate of water evaporation equal to the evaporation per hour of 34.5 pounds of water at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit into steam at 212 degrees F.

Category:Energy Terms

Houses that have earth berms around exterior walls.

Category:Energy Terms

A type of insulation material with fine, closed cells, containing a mixture of air and refrigerant gas. This insulation has a high R-value, good moisture resistance, and high structural strength compared to other rigid insulation materials.

Category:Energy Terms

In a wind energy conversion system, to pitch the turbine blades so as to reduce their lift capacity as a method of shutting down the turbine during high wind speeds.

Category:Energy Terms

A measure of the electrical resistance of a material equal to the resistance of a circuit in which the potential difference of 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere.

Category:Energy Terms

The production of an electric current in a conductor by the variation of a magnetic field in its vicinity.

Category:Energy Terms

An incorporated right, liberty, privilege, or use of another entity's property, distinct from ownership, without profit or compensation; a right-of-way.

Category:Energy Terms

A construction element that inhibits termites from entering building foundations and walls.

Category:Energy Terms