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Features and vegetation on the outside of or surrounding a building for aesthetics and energy conservation.

Category:Energy Terms

A mechanical/electrical device used to pull air out of an interior space; usually located in the highest location of a building, in the ceiling, and venting to the attic or directly to the outside.

Category:Energy Terms

A charge for the maximum rate at which energy is used during peak hours of a billing period. That part of a utility service charged for on the basis of the possible demand as distinguished from the energy actually consumed.

Category:Energy Terms

A form of thermal energy resulting from combustion, chemical reaction, friction, or movement of electricity. As a thermodynamic condition, heat, at a constant pressure, is equal to internal or intrinsic energy plus pressure times volume.

Category:Energy Terms

The trapping of light inside a semiconductor material by refracting and reflecting the light at critical angles; trapped light will travel further in the material, greatly increasing the probability of absorption and hence of producing charge carriers.

Category:Energy Terms

A solar thermal collector that has an absorber that does not have a glazed covering. Solar swimming pool heater systems usually use unglazed collectors because they circulate relatively large volumes of water through the collector and capture nearly 80 pe ...

Category:Energy Terms

The unit price and quantity to which it applies as specified in a rate schedule or contract.

Category:Energy Terms

The force that pulls a wind turbine blade, as opposed to drag.

Category:Energy Terms

The decomposition of organic material to alcohol, methane, etc., by organisms, such as yeast or bacteria, usually in the absence of oxygen.

Category:Energy Terms

The amount of useful energy produced by a system less the amount of energy required to produce the fuel.

Category:Energy Terms

A description of how well people in a lighted space can see to do visual tasks and how visually comfortable they feel in that space.

Category:Energy Terms

The sum of all the costs both recurring and nonrecurring, related to a product, structure, system, or service during its life span or specified time period.

Category:Energy Terms

A profile of how the wind speed changes with height above the surface of the ground or water.

Category:Energy Terms

A construction element used for ceiling support.

Category:Energy Terms

Standardized weights or volumes for heating fuels.

Category:Energy Terms

Fuel gas with a heating value of between 200 and 300 Btu per cubic foot.

Category:Energy Terms

A column of burning combustion gases that are so hot and strong that the heat is lost up the chimney before it can be transferred to the house. A draft brings air to the fire to help keep it burning.

Category:Energy Terms

The processes that a work input/output system undergoes and in which the initial and final states are identical.

Category:Energy Terms

The arrangement, proportion, and design of windows in a building.

Category:Energy Terms

The potential energy available in a fuel as received, taking into account the energy loss in evaporating and superheating the water in the fuel. Equal to the higher heating value minus 1050W where W is the weight of the water formed from the hydrogen in t ...

Category:Energy Terms