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Financial Terms

Automated Communications and Order Routing Network (BEACON)

An approach to stockpicking which focuses on the search for shares whose prices have dropped so low.

The purchase of new shares by an underwriter who subsequently attempts to resell to the market for a.

A French or continental European stock.

A four-sided option spread that involves a long call and a short put at one strike price as well as.

A type of bond devised by the US Treasury secretary, Nicholas Brady, in 1989, and issued by a.

The number of stocks participating in either a rally or a.

The level of a company's sales at which neither a profit nor a loss is.

The total value of all a company's separate operations if sold separately.

The point at which a price breaks out either above or below a stable established range or trendline..

An agreement made in Bretton Woods, USA in 1944 which established a post war fixed currency rate.

A short term. (bridging loan)

(Bridging loan)See 'gilt-edged stock'.

(Bridging loan)See: 'money supply.

(Bridging loan) Term commonly applied to news wires carrying price and background information on securities and.

See. (bridging loan) Broker to broker. A term used by the London Stock Exchange to denote that a transaction was between two member.

(Bridging loan) Commission or fees charged by a broker for conducting transactions for its.

(Bridging loan) (Bridging loan) The phenomenon of rising share prices amid a mood of general euphoria, leading (inevitably,.

Slang term for a disreputable brokerage.

Directly or indirectly taking the opposite side of a customer's order into the handling broker's own.

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