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A liquid-in-metal thermometer in which mercury is enclosed in a steel envelope. The change in internal pressure caused by the temperature variation is measured by a Bourdon tube which is connected to the mercury by a capillary tube. This instrument is hig ...


A precipitation gauge consisting of a receiver in the shape of a funnel which empties into a bucket mounted upon a weighing mechanism. The weight of the catch is recorded as inches of precipitation.


A combination cup anemometer and pressure-plate anemometer, consisting of an array of cups about a vertical axis of rotation, the free rotation of which is restricted by a suitable spring arrangement.


The range of operating conditions of a device within which operating influences are negligible. The range is usually narrow. Reference operating conditions are the conditions under which reference performance is stated and the base from which the values o ...


The temperature at which the liquid and solid forms of a substance may exist in equilibrium at a given pressure (usually one standard atmosphere). The true freezing point of water is known as the ice point.



A photometric unit of illuminance or illumination equal to one lumen per square meter


In meteorology, a deflecting force acting on a body in motion and resulting from the earth's rotation. It deflects air currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere, thus having an effect on wind direction.


The decrease of an atmospheric variable with height, the variable being temperature, unless otherwise specified.


That portion of the record of a microbarograph between any two (or a specified small number) of successive crossings of the average pressure level (in the same direction). Analogous to microseism.


A hygrometer in which the sensitive element is a strand or strands of human hair, the length of which is a function of the relative humidity of the air.


A vent used with pressure sensors to reduce the effect of wind on the pressure inlet. It is normally mounted remotely and connected to the sensor using airtight tubing.


A unit of luminance or brightness equal to 1/d candles per foot'.


Moisture contained in the soil above the water table, including water vapor which is present in the soil pores. In some cases this term refers strictly to the humidity contained in the root zone of plants.


An instrument for the measurement of both solar and terrestrial radiation.


A line drawn through geographical points where a given seasonal biological event occurs on the same date.


A hydrometeor consisting of an aggregate of microscopic and more-or-less hygroscopic water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. It reduces visibility to a lesser extent than fog. The relative humidity of mist is often less than 95 percent.


Solar and terrestrial radiation directed downwards (towards the earth's surface); incoming radiation.


Precipitation composed of liquid water drops more than 0.5 mm in diameter, failing in relatively straight, but not necessarily vertical, paths. Compare to drizzle.


The transducer of any hygrometer, i.e. that part of a hygrometer that quantitatively "senses" atmospheric water vapor.


A wooden enclosure about sixteen feet square and eight feet high with a precipitation gauge at its center. The function of the fence is to minimize eddies around the gauge and thus insure a catch that is representative of the actual rainfall or snowfall.
