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The naval architect's drawings of a ship showing the various sections.

Category:Sea Words

Seamen who worked on the masts and yards of square-rigged ships.

Category:Sea Words

A container with no sides and frame members at the front and rear. Container can be loaded from the sides and top.

Category:Sea Words

Forcing material into the seams of the planks in a boat's deck or sides to make them watertight; the material itself. Oakum was once the material used for this purpose, and was then sealed with hot pitch to prevent it from rotting. Today there are polymer ...

Category:Sea Words

Small line used for whipping other light duties.

Category:Sea Words

Filtration that occurs at the surface layer (as opposed to within the body depth) of the filter, and is accomplished by passing the material to be filtered over a grating, screen, sieve or membrane fabric with micro sized holes. The size of the holes in t ...

Category:Sea Words

When a ship's head or stern pitches suddenly and violently into the trough of the sea.

Category:Sea Words

A person or firm who transacts all business in a port on behalf of shipowners or charterers. Also called shipping agent; agent.

Category:Sea Words

An occasional sprinkling dashed from the top of a wave by the wind, or by its striking an object.

Category:Sea Words

A flat bottomed, blunt nosed dinghy (or small boat).

Category:Sea Words

The locker in which the bos'n keeps his deck gear.

Category:Sea Words

Is any gas or gas mixture that contains no water vapor and/or in which all of the constituents are substantially above their respective saturated vapor pressures at the existing temperature.

Category:Sea Words

(1) The points of the jaws of a boom or gaff where they embrace the mast. (2) The outer ends of the crosstrees.

Category:Sea Words

A pattern or template. Also a shape of metal or wood over or in which an object may be hammered or pressed to fit.

Category:Sea Words

A person or firm, licensed by the treasury department of their country when required, engaged in entering and clearing goods through Customs for a client (importer).

Category:Sea Words

Attempting to import merchandise into a country at a price less than the fair market value, usually through subsidy by exporting country.

Category:Sea Words

Costs that do not vary with the level of activity. Some fixed costs continue even if no cargo is carried. Terminal leases, rent and property taxes are fixed costs.

Category:Sea Words

A chaplain.

Category:Sea Words

Running ashore (hitting the bot-tom).

Category:Sea Words

Refers to the shape of a boat's (usually power boat) hull. A deep V hull is usually good at cutting through rough waves at high speeds.

Category:Sea Words