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Sea Words

Is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense at atmospheric pressure. Is the same as dew point, but is related to atmospheric air only.

A term which describes the rising of warm air above cold air when two air masses of different temperatures, humidity and pressure meet.

Weight of the earth's atmosphere over a unit area of the earth's surface, measured with a mercury barometer at sea level. which corresponds to the pressure required to lift a column of mercury 760 mm.

A horseshoe-shaped or circular reef of coral surrounding a lagoon.

The breaking-up of paint into fine particles or droplets by a paint gun using compressed air.

The use of a sound barrier separating the sound from the receiver.

Old Latin name for the south wind.

A device which operates compressors in sequence according to a programmed schedule.

Electro-mechanical steering device; an instrument designed to control automatically a vessel's steering gear so that she follows a pre-determined track through the water.

(1) A second method of propelling a vessel. On a sailboat this would be the engine. (2) Machinery fitted in steam and motor vessels which is not part of the main propelling machinery. (3) a support group, e.g., Coast Guard Auxiliary

An order to stop or cease hauling (stop action at once).

A command to stop or cease immediately what one is doing.

An order to stop; as, "Avast heaving!"

See insurance.

States that equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of pressure and temperature contain the same number of molecules.

Same as 0.4535924277 kilograms.

Level with the water (water ready to, or slightly covering decks).

Water washing over; the situation of an object when almost submerged.

The position of anchor as it is raised clear of the bottom.


Energy terms