Sea WordsRSS

Sea Words

Condition that exists when the air, gas, or fluid normally passing through an element is being shunted around the element.

An automatic or manual valve that causes the flow to be by passed.

Overboard and by the ship's side.

Overboard (over the side).

Deeper forward (front end deepest in water).

Sailing downwind with the wind blowing over the leeward side of the boat, increasing the possibility of an unexpected jibe.

To let go altogether.

Sailing close-hauled

Obsolete, albeit heavily used, term of sale meaning "cargo and freight" whereby Seller pays for cost of goods and freight charges up to destination port. In July, 1990 the International Chamber of Commerce replaced C&F with CFR.


Charter Party

A compartment for passengers or crew.

The captain's quarters. The enclosed space of decked-over small boat.

The floor or bottom surface of the enclosed space under the deck of a boat

A chain or line (rope) bent to the anchor.

100 fathoms or 600 feet (6 feet to a fathom).

Old term for the galley of a vessel situated normally on the deck and not between decks.

Reservation of a country's coastal (domestic) shipping for its own flag vessels.


Abbreviation for "Currency Adjustment Factor." A charge, expressed as a percentage of a base rate, that is applied to compensate ocean carriers of currency fluctuations.

Small bulldozer used to go over bulk cargoes.

Sequence of letters and numbers, unique to each ship by which ships can be identified.