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In navigation, the angle between the point at which the sun rises and sets and the true east and west points of the horizon.

Category:Sea Words

The amount of heat energy that may be converted into useful energy from a fuel.

Category:Energy Terms

That portion of supply air that is drawn from outside, plus any recirculated air that has been treated to maintain a desired air quality.

Category:Energy Terms

The angular position of the sun at solar noon with respect to the plane of the equator.

Category:Energy Terms

Instrument for establishing the altitude and azimuth of stars and planets.

Category:Sea Words

A category of electric power producer established under the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) of 1978, that includes small-power producers (SPP) who use renewable sources of energy such as biomass, geothermal, hydroelectricity, solar (thermal a ...

Category:Energy Terms

A powerfully oxidizing allotropic form of the element oxygen. The ozone molecule contains three atoms (O3). Ozone gas is decidedly blue, and both liquid and solid ozone are an opaque blue-black color, similar to that of ink.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard code used to represent data using 8 bits (7 data bits and I parity bit) per character.


(AMT)A tax which targets high wealth individuals to pay a minimum amount of tax. The tax is calculated.

Category:Financial Terms

Embrittlement of stainless steels upon extended exposure to temperatures between 400 and 510

Strong offshore current extending to the shore.

Category:Sea Words

International Conference on technologies for Marine Environment preservation.


Fuel Oil Bunker Analysis and Advisory Service


(Compressors/Gas Turbines) Is an alarm system that has maybe 3 sensors connected to it and it will require minimum of 2 of the 3 to alarm before the alarm will act. There is a controller connected that does the logic decision based on set parameters.

Category:Sea Words

(1) Reduction of corrosion rate by shifting the corrosion potential of the electrode toward a less oxidizing potential by applying an external electromotive force. (2) Partial or complete protection of a metal from corrosion by making it a cathode, using ...

The maximum stress (tensile. compressive, or shear) a material can sustain without fracture, determined by dividing maximum load by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen. Also called nominal strength or maximum strength.

For a given cloud or cloud laver. the lowest level in the atmosphere at which the air contains a perceptible quantity of cloud particles.


See aneroid capsule.


Shifting the moving block of a tackle from one place of attachment to another place farther along to give more advantage.

Category:Sea Words

Sails, such as the spinnaker, reacher and reaching staysail used when running or reaching

Category:Sea Words