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An insulation product composed of loose fibers or fiber pellets that are blown into building cavities or attics using special pneumatic equipment.

Category:Energy Terms

The purchase of a call with a high strike price against the sale of a call with a lower strike.

Category:Financial Terms

Polarization of the cathode; change of the electrode potential in the active (negative) direction due to current flow; a reduction from the initial potential resulting from current flow effects at or near the cathode surface. Potential becomes more active ...

Wireless device used to report trades and quotes to the market data system. Also used for.

Category:Financial Terms




An international company whose services include travel and financial products and which is probably.

Category:Financial Terms


Newly Industrialized Country


The total price to move cargo from origin to destination, inclusive of all charges.

Category:Sea Words

The greatest distance at which it is just possible to see and recognize with the unaided eye (1) in the daytime, a prominent dark object against the sky at the horizon, and (2) at night, a known, preferably unfocused, moderately intense light source.


The potential of a metal surface necessary to decompose the electrolyte of a cell or a component/substance thereof.

Electrolytic cleaning in which the work is the cathode.

Light, bulky articles.

Category:Sea Words


Local Area Network


In a cathodic protection system, in electrically nonconductive material, such as a coating, plastic sheet or pipe that is placed between an anode and an adjacent cathode to avoid current wastage and to improve current distribution, usually on the cathode.

The thermodynamic function 3G = 5H - TSS, where H is enthalpy, T is absolute temperature. and S is entropy. Also called free energy, free enthalpy, or Gibbs function.

The formation and instantaneous collapse of innumerable tiny voids or cavities within a liquid subjected to rapid and intense pressure changes. Cavitation produced by ultrasonic radiation is sometimes used to effect violent localized agitation. Cavitation ...

A charter in which the bare ship is chartered without crew; the charterer, for a stipulated sum taking over the vessel for a stated period of time, with a minimum of restrictions; the charterer appoints the master and the crew and pays all running expense ...

Category:Sea Words

A rope used for towing or, mooring.

Category:Sea Words

The compass points of North, East, South and West. Intercardinal or half-cardinal points are Southeast, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast

Category:Sea Words