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The process by which events in the real world are translated into machine-readable signals.


Corrosion resulting from an electrochemical cell caused by a thermal gradient.

The weight of a material per unit of volume compared to the weight of the same volume of water.

Category:Energy Terms

The electrode of an electrolytic cell at which reduction is the principal reaction. (Electrons How toward the cathode in the external circuit.) Typical cathodic processes are cation' taking up electrons and being discharged, oxygen being reduced. and the ...




The partial derivative of the total electrochemical free energy of a constituent with respect to the number of moles of this constituent where all factors are kept constant. It is analogous to the chemical potential of a constituent except that it include ...

An Italian mathematician, born Leonardo Pisano, who lived from 1170-1250. Most famous for the.

Category:Financial Terms

A subtle, diumal component of the wind velocity leading to a diumal shift of the wind or turning of the wind with the sun, produced bv the east-to-west progression of daytime surface heating.



Construction Differential Subsidy: A direct subsidy paid to U.S. shipyards building U.S.-flag ships to offset high construction costs in American shipyards. An amount of subsidy (up to 50 percent) is determined by estimates of construction cost differenti ...


The degradation of a solid body resulting from its exposure to cavitation. This may include loss of material, surface deformation, or changes in properties or appearance.

Large Amplitude Motions and Loads


An agency of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture that makes loans to states and territories in the U.S. for rural electrification and the furnishing of electric energy to persons in rural areas who do not receive central station service. It also furnishes and i ...

Category:Energy Terms

Composite Auxiliary Boiler Survey.


The maximum credit an individual may secure from his/her.

Category:Financial Terms

(GDR)A certificate which represents ownership of a given number of a company's shares and which can be.

Category:Financial Terms

A wind blowing in a direction opposite to the heading of a moving object, thus opposing the object's intended progress; the opposite of a tailwind.



Outer Continental Shelf


Manufacturing Technology Program.


An area of low atmospheric pressure which has a closed circulation that is cyclonic (counterclockwise in northern hemisphere and clockwise in southern hemisphere).


A reversing thermometer (for seawater temperature) which is not protected against hydrostatic pressure. The mercury bulb is therefore squeezed, and the amount of mercury broken off on reversal is a function of both temperature and of hydrostatic pressure.
