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Pertaining to the body-centered cubic crystal structure (BCC) of many ferrous (iron-base) metals.


Saudi Arabia (Flag)


European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation EASDAQ was set up in 1996 as a pan-European stock market for technology and growth stocks. It now.

Category:Financial Terms


Cathode Ray Tube. A display element, consisting of a vacuum tube and screen, used with computers.



A device that moves and/or circulates air and provides ventilation for a room or a building.

Category:Energy Terms


Offshore Northern Seas Conference


A metallic connection that provides electrical continuity between metal structures.

Volpe National Transportation Systems Center


Credit cards branded with the name of a charity or trade union. Often give a small donation to the.

Category:Financial Terms

A strong tropical counterclockwise revolving storm the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere these storms revolve clockwise and are known as hurricanes.

Category:Sea Words

An instrument whose calibration is determined by comparison with an absolute instrument.


International Maritime Pilot's Association. Located in Belgium, but mostly managed from the Netherlands.


Physical equipment used in data processing. Compare to firmware, software.



Long Water


The current density, often referred to as limiting current density, that corresponds to the maximum transfer rate that a particular species can sustain because of the limitation of diffusion.

An electrode in an electrolytic cell that is not mechanically connected to the power supply, but is so placed in the electrolyte, between the anode and cathode, that the part nearer the anode becomes cathodic and the part nearer the cathode becomes anodic ...

The factor, when multiplied by the monthly degree-days, that yields the monthly space heating load.

Category:Energy Terms

Insufficient number of crew; shorthanded.

Category:Sea Words

The interface between an eletrode or a suspended particle and an electrolyte created by charge-charge interaction (charge separation) leading to an alignment of oppositely charged ions at the surface of the electrode or particle. The simplest model is rep ...

The correction applied to an instrument to account for the effect of temperature upon its response characteristics.
