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Towards the center line of a ship (towards the center).

Category:Sea Words

This committee has jurisdiction on: coal production, distribution and utilization; energy policy; energy research, conservation, and development; hydroelectric power; irrigation; mineral conservation; nonmilitary development of nuclear energy; solar energ ...

Category:Energy Terms

The conversion of mechanical, electrical or magnetic energy into heat.

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Please Authorize Delivery Against Guarantee." A request from the consignee to the shipper to allow the carrier or agent to release cargo against a guarantee, either bank or personal. Made when the consignee is unable to produce original ...

Category:Sea Words

(GEMMs)See 'market.

Category:Financial Terms

See 'short.

Category:Financial Terms

A frame used to support the boom when the sail is down.

Category:Sea Words

Is the ratio of the thermodynamic work requirement in the cylinder to actual brake horsepower requirement.

Category:Sea Words


Emergency Towing Vessel


The process or technologies for producing energy by harnessing the temperature differences (thermal gradients) between ocean surface waters and that of ocean depths. Warm surface water is pumped through an evaporator containing a working fluid in a closed ...

Category:Energy Terms

Cash set aside in a dedicated interest account to cover unanticipated emergencies such as property.

Category:Financial Terms

Itemized list of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated.

Category:Sea Words

Capable of going to sea.

Category:Sea Words

Per Hatch Per Day


Ropes used for hoisting gaffs and sails, and signal flags.

Category:Sea Words

The rate of heat flow required to maintain a specific indoor temperature; usually measured in Btu per hour.

Category:Energy Terms

A diagram showing the intensity of the radiation field in all directions from a transmitting radio or radar antenna at a given distance from the antenna.


A type of cooling system that uses a charging and discharging cycle with a thermal or latent heat storage subsystem.

Category:Energy Terms

One of the 4 cardinal compass points. North is the direction toward the North Pole and is at 0

Category:Sea Words

In general terms, the increase in value of an asset. As far as shares are concerned,.

Category:Financial Terms