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A person inexperienced with or uncomfortable around boats.

Category:Sea Words

The change in a performance characteristic caused by a change in a specified operating condition from reference operating condition, all other conditions being held within the limits of reference operating conditions.


A penalty charge against shippers or consignees for delaying the carrier's equipment beyond the allowed free time. The free time and demurrage charges are set forth in the charter party or freight tariff.- See also Detention and Per Diem.

Category:Sea Words

A stick with a blade in the end of it used to propel a small boat through the water; The act of using a paddle to propel a boat.

Category:Sea Words

The measure of a company's solvency, looking at the relationship between its assets and its.

Category:Financial Terms


International Shipping Federation


(1) Possessing a marked ability to accelerate the condensation of water vapor; applied to condensation nuclei composed of salts that yield aqueous solutions of a very low equilibrium vapor pressure compared with that of pure water at the same temperature. ...

The physical or mechanical process of separating insoluble particulate matter from a fluid, such as air or liquid, by passing the fluid through a filter medium that will not allow the particulate to pass through it.

Category:Sea Words

A notional continuous sound level which is calculated from the various A-we~ghteds ound levels and duration at these levels with an XdB exchange rate. The exchange rate is the number of dB decrease in noise level which would allow doubling of exposure tim ...

Category:Technical Terms

The after section of the propeller shaft.

Category:Sea Words

Opposite of absorption or adsorption. In filtration, it relates to the downstream release of particles previously retained by the filter.

Category:Sea Words

A rail around the mast or on the bulwarks with holes for belaying pins to which lines or halyards are attached.

Category:Sea Words

A location that is not sheltered from the wind and seas. An open location would not make a good anchorage.

Category:Sea Words

A board with cleats, forming a bridge reaching from a gangway of a vessel to the wharf.

Category:Sea Words

Is the ratio of weight of vapor existing in a given space to the weight that would be present if the space were saturated at the space temperature.

Category:Sea Words

A type of incandescent lamp with an interior coating of aluminum that reflects light to the front of the bulb. They are designed to spread light over specific areas.

Category:Energy Terms

The process by which small particles suspended in a medium of a different refractive index diffuse a portion of the incident radiation in all directions. In scattering no energy transformation results, only a change in the spatial distribution of the radi ...


Towards the center line of a ship (towards the center).

Category:Sea Words

This committee has jurisdiction on: coal production, distribution and utilization; energy policy; energy research, conservation, and development; hydroelectric power; irrigation; mineral conservation; nonmilitary development of nuclear energy; solar energ ...

Category:Energy Terms