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A power or sailing boat used by pi-lots (men who have local knowledge of navigation hazards of ports).

Category:Sea Words

This term is used for turbo compressors and represents the maximum flow condition. It is sometimes also referred to as stonewalling.

Category:Sea Words

The minimum amount of a commodity or financial instrument which can be traded in a futures or option.

Category:Financial Terms

Cargo that will fit into a container and result in an economical shipment.

Category:Sea Words

Is a means of transferring heat through mass flow. Also the transfer of heat within a fluid by movements within the fluid.

Category:Sea Words

Openings in a ship's hull for ventilation, light and other purposes.

Category:Sea Words

A traditional term in the British Navy for serving out an additional tot of rum or grog to a ship's crew. In sailing ship days the main brace was spliced (in terms of drink) in very bad weather or after a period of severe exertion by the crew.

Category:Sea Words

An oil-skin hat with broad rear brim.

Category:Sea Words

In the US, an individual or firm who directly or indirectly advises others about buying or selling.

Category:Financial Terms

A confirming note, containing details of a stock exchange deal, which is sent by a broker to a.

Category:Financial Terms

A gift or other transfer of value made by an individual which is not covered by any of the various.

Category:Financial Terms

A small round platform, smaller than a Crow's Nest, which was placed at the top of the mast to provide a greater range of vision from a ship at sea.

Category:Sea Words

To sail around the world

Category:Sea Words

Railcars grouped in a train by destination so that segments (blocks) can be uncoupled and routed to different destinations as the train moves through various junctions. Eliminates the need to break up a train and sort individual railcars at each junction.

Category:Sea Words

A fitting of wood or metal, with horns, used for securing lines (tying up).

Category:Sea Words

The place at which a shipment is received by a carrier from the shipper.

Category:Sea Words

(CFD) CFDs are a derivative product designed for active traders who want to have extra leverage in.

Category:Financial Terms

Limited Smooth Water Service.


Center point of all underwater area of the hull where the hull's lateral resistance can be said to be centered.

Category:Sea Words

One of the 4 cardinal compass points. South is the direction toward the South Pole and is at 180

Category:Sea Words