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BTU. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit under set conditions of temperature and pressure.

Category:Sea Words

any loss of performance due to the presence of contamination. Two basic types of contamination failure are: Perceptible -- gradual loss of efficiency or performance, and Catastrophic -- dramatic, unexpected failure.

Category:Sea Words

A line drawn on a chart, as a result of a bearing, along which the boat is positioned

Category:Sea Words

Also known as (U.S.) Federal Bill of Lading Act of 1916. U.S. federal law enacting conditions by which a B/L may be issued. Penalties for issuing B/L's containing false data include monetary fines and/or imprisonment.

Category:Sea Words


Abbreviation for:- Port of Loading.- Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants.

Category:Sea Words

Someone who thinks money is to be made in the market by doing exactly the opposite of what the.

Category:Financial Terms

To temporarily stop all movement of a line through a block by placing the hauling part across the sheave of the block. This jams the sheave and holds it tight, and a pull on the hauling part will release it.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A spar that extends from the bow of the boat. (2) A spar stretching diagonally across a four-sided fore-and-aft sail to support the peak.

Category:Sea Words

Small line consisting of several loosely twisted yarns.

Category:Sea Words

A single outlet or limited number of outlets in a building used to connect tools or equipment to the air system.

Category:Sea Words

An amount added or deducted from base rate to make a rate to or from some other point or via another route.

Category:Sea Words

In sailboat racing, to take to opposite tack of the rest of the fleet when behind, hoping that the wind will shift to your benefit.

Category:Sea Words

(1) Sighting two objects in a line to indicate a course to be steered (2) The distance a boat can travel using the fuel stored aboard.

Category:Sea Words

The derrick boom heel having a pivot is hinged with the lower part of the mast, and the head of derrick boom, through steel wire, is connected with the mast top. The mast itself is fixed with the hull deck at mast bottom end, maintaining its stand state. ...

Category:Technical Terms

In the US, this refers to a corporation with only a small number of shareholders. Although a public.

Category:Financial Terms

The stationary seating surface, the inlet of a valve.

Category:Sea Words

A short length of small rope "ratline stuff" running horizontally across shrouds, for a ladder step.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A small coastal inlet generally protected from the worst of the prevailing winds. (2) A thin, hollowed line cut along a yacht's sheer below deck level and traditionally gilded.

Category:Sea Words

Same as two blocks.

Category:Sea Words