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Group of ships escorted along a stretch of water.

Category:Sea Words

A sharp-bowed sailing vessel of the mid-19th century, having tall masts and sharp lines; built for great speed; the generic name used to describe types of fast sailing ships.

Category:Sea Words

Watertight housing for the centerboard.

Category:Sea Words

A type of radio carried on a boat to transmit long distances.

Category:Sea Words


Specific Power Consumption.

Category:Sea Words

Cubic space (measurement tons occupied by one tonne (2240 lbs or 1000 kgs of cargo))

Category:Sea Words

Small hole bored in cask or barrel to allow air to enter when emptying.

Category:Sea Words

A figure representing the average low tide of a region.

Category:Sea Words

Any paint gun which uses air flowing over an opening to create a vacuum to draw paint up a tube to be atomized.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A stock of merchandise advanced to a dealer and located at his place of business, but with title remaining in the source of supply.(2) A shipment of goods to a consignee.

Category:Sea Words

Large bollards affixed to the main deck near the bow of a square rigged vessel around which hawsers or anchor cables were belayed.

Category:Sea Words

A precursor to the sextant. An old navigational device for checking the altitude of the sun or stars.

Category:Sea Words

Elevated structure from which coal and other cargoes can be loaded into a vessel. Name is also given to a landing-place, or loading-place.

Category:Sea Words

Slacking a rope smartly, carefully and in small amounts.

Category:Sea Words

Any person not a common carrier who, under special and individual contracts or agreements, transports passengers or property for compensation.

Category:Sea Words

Cost of goods, marine insurance and all transportation (freight) charges are paid to the foreign point of delivery by the seller.

Category:Sea Words

A government official residing in a foreign country who represents the interests of her or his country and its nationals.

Category:Sea Words

A sail attached to the forestay as opposed to a jib which is attached to the headstay.

Category:Sea Words

A term describing the seamen of a British warship.

Category:Sea Words