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Speed through the water, not "over ground".

Category:Sea Words

A compressor that is designed to operate at lower pressures. Usually a blower is an air compressor that operates below 2 barg, although this figure depends upon the respective manufacturer.

Category:Sea Words

Old term for a heavy gale or hurricane.

Category:Sea Words

A long sturdy pole fitted with a blunt hook at one end designed to catch a line when coming alongside a pier or mooring, to facilitate putting a line over a piling, recovering an object dropped overboard, or in pushing or fending off.

Category:Sea Words

The area leading down from the deck to the cabin, usually with steps (ladder)

Category:Sea Words

Percentage of cargo or passengers carried e.g. 4000 tons carried on a vessel of 10000 capacity has a load factor of 40%

Category:Sea Words

Port/berth delays

Category:Sea Words

To communicate with a vessel in sight.

Category:Sea Words

An air operated device for hoisting or pulling. Similar to a winch

Category:Sea Words

The cabin roof, raised above the deck to provide headroom in the cabin. Also trunk.

Category:Sea Words

A sheet or halyard coiled so that it will run out quickly without becoming tangled.

Category:Sea Words

Sophisticated, computer controlled systems that manage the mixtures of gases within a container throughout an intermodal journey reducing decay.

Category:Sea Words

Machines having only one impeller.

Category:Sea Words

Used to confine the bowsprit down to the stem or cutwater.

Category:Sea Words

A block with one end permanently attached to a surface.

Category:Sea Words

A chemical element that is a heavy strong smelling greenish yellow imitating gas used as a bleach, oxidizing agent and disinfectant. Found in some ambient air conditions.

Category:Sea Words

Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Category:Sea Words

A carrier which has a direct physical connection with, or forms a link between two or more carriers.

Category:Sea Words

Compression in which no heat is transferred to or from the gas during the compression process.

Category:Sea Words

A collective fund which has a fixed number of issued shares traded on a stock exchange. Because.

Category:Financial Terms