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Abbreviation for "Cost, Insurance, Freight And Exchange."

Category:Sea Words

A firm that acts as an export sales agent for more than one noncompeting manufacturer.

Category:Sea Words

A device designed to remove surplus liquid from the compressed air system. Manual units range from petcock to a ball, gate or globe valve. Mechanical types consist of ball float. Electrical drains include solenoid type that is energized by a timer signal, ...

Category:Sea Words

A clause in a Bill of lading which specifies the least charge that the carrier will make for issuing a lading. The charge may be a definite sum or the current charge per ton for any specified quantity.

Category:Sea Words

A bar which projects above the coaming and which bears against a continuous rubber gasket strip set into the hatch panels of steel hatch covers in order to provide a weathertight seal.

Category:Sea Words

A small sail set on the mizzenmast.

Category:Sea Words

A containerload of different articles in a single consignment.

Category:Sea Words

A smaller version of the flag of the country being visited. It is flown from the starboard spreader.

Category:Sea Words

The A.S.M.E. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Category:Sea Words


Abbreviation for "Cost and Insurance." A price that includes the cost of the goods, the marine insurance and all transportation charges except the ocean freight to the named point of destination.

Category:Sea Words

An expansion joint designed to take up thermal expansion.

Category:Sea Words

Pipe-bundle also called umbilical stalk, which bundles together different supply pipes like air, fresh water, electrical power, communicative signal pipes, through which the underwater working unit obtains the supplies from the base above water or underwa ...

Category:Technical Terms

The distinguishing qualities of a navigational light, including its color and whether it is fixed or flashing (and the flashing sequence).

Category:Sea Words

To bring a sailing vessel into the wind and change to another tack. One who is influenced to a change of opinion.

Category:Sea Words

An old and experienced seaman.

Category:Sea Words

An auxiliary volume that may be opened to the clearance space for increasing the clearance, usually temporarily, to reduce the volumetric efficiency of the compressor.

Category:Sea Words

term mainly used by companies selling small compressors because it makes their compressors look bigger than they really are. The swept volume is the actual displacement of the piston, forgetting such losses as bumping clearances, valve clearances, ring lo ...

Category:Sea Words

This term refers to the hardness or softness of gaskets.

Category:Sea Words

The two sides of a block. (2) Pieces of timber attached to the mast below the masthead to support the trestle trees.

Category:Sea Words

A windlass is a winch-like device used to assist in the raising of the anchor.

Category:Sea Words