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World Trade Organization


Marine Casualty Response Center.


European Federation of Inland Ports


The main sense in which the term asset is used is to describe anything owned by an.

Category:Financial Terms

Refrigerated Cargo Ship or Container


Corrosion that occurs under organic films in the form of randomly distributed threadlike filaments or spots. In many cases this is identical to filiform corrosion.

The illuminating power of a standard candle employed as a unit for determining the illuminating quality of an illuminant.

Category:Energy Terms


Hydraulic Coupling


This is when a load is sent in more than one consignment. In a letter of credit, the buyer can say whether this is allowed or not allowed.

Category:Financial Terms

42 U.S. gallons (306 pounds of oil, or 5.78 million Btu).

Category:Energy Terms


Variable Pitch Propeller


Lines on the Earths surface joining point where there is no magnetic variation.

Category:Sea Words

A region of transition between semiconductor layers, such as a p/n junction, which goes from a region that has a high concentration of acceptors (p-type) to one that has a high concentration of donors (n-type).

Category:Energy Terms

A coating developed on a metal surface by a high temperature diffusion process (as carburization, calorizing, or chromizing).

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


A constant which describes the performance of a wind vane in response to a step change in wind direction. It is calculated from the relative amount of overshoot on two successive swings (half cycles) of a decaying oscillation. This specification is dimens ...


The total number of shares a company is authorised to issue by reference to its memorandum and.

Category:Financial Terms



International Bunker Industry Association Ltd


In the UK the term 'assurance' tends to be used where insurance is taken out against something which.

Category:Financial Terms