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A type of heating fuel derived by refining crude oil that has a boiling range at atmospheric pressure from 400 degrees to 550 degrees F.

Category:Energy Terms

United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea


A system of estimating and reporting wind speed, originally based on the effect of various wind speeds on the amount of canvas that a full-rigged nineteenth century frigate could carry.


The maximum stress that a material is capable of sustaining without any permanent strain (deformation) remaining upon complete release of the stress.

Committee set up by the Bank of International Settlements and based in Basle. It drew up.

Category:Financial Terms

The least noble potential where pitting or crevice corrosion, or both, will initiate and propagate.

A thin coating of a material applied to a photovoltaic cell surface that reduces the light reflection and increases light transmission.

Category:Energy Terms

A type of disk hardness-gauge, especially useful in relatively soft snow. See disk hardness gauge.


A thermometer. the sensitive element of which consists of two metal strips which have different coefficients of expansion and are brazed together. The distortions of the system in response to temperature variations are used as a measure of temperature. It ...


The use of direct, diffuse, or reflected sunlight to provide supplemental lighting for building interiors.

Category:Energy Terms



Vessel Traffic Information System


Thailand Home Trade Service.


Can occur any time warm, moist air blows over a surface cool enough to drop it's temperature below the dew point.

Category:Sea Words

An electrode widely used as a reference electrode of known potential in electrometric measurement of acidity and alkalinity, corrosion studies, voltammetry, and measurement of the potentials of other electrodes. See also electrode potential, reference ele ...

Corrosion in which zinc is selectively leached from zinc-containing alloys. Most commonly found in copper-zinc alloys containing less than 83% copper after extended service in water containing dissolved oxygen; the parting of zinc from an alloy (in some b ...

The frequency of a carrier wave.


The usually unfinished space above a ceiling and below a roof.

Category:Energy Terms

A legal document which records the obligation of one individual to pay a specified sum to another.

Category:Financial Terms

Space between the floor of holds and the bottom of the ship.

Category:Sea Words