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A measure of the flow of current (in amperes) over one hour.

Category:Energy Terms

Occurs in the base metal adjacent to weldments due to high through-thickness strains introduced by weld metal shrinkage in highly restrained joints. Tearing occurs by decohesion and linking along the working direction of the base metal; cracks usually run ...

PFD Manufacturers Association


A captive balloon used to maintain meteorological equipment aloft at approximately a constant height. The kytoon is streamlined and combines the aerodynamic properties of a balloon and a kite.


Continuous longitudinals fastened under the deck.

Category:Sea Words

A type of heat pump that transfers heat in outdoor air to water for space or water heating.

Category:Energy Terms

The positive pole or electrode of an electrolytic cell, vacuum tube, etc. (see also sacrificial anode).

Category:Energy Terms

A wall usually about 3 to 4 feet high located that is placed in the attic of a home, anchored with plates between the attic floor joists and the roof joist. Sheathing can be attached to these walls to enclose an attic space.

Category:Energy Terms


Portable Electronic Thermometer


An old name for high waves when they break with a white crest.

Category:Sea Words

Allows equipment and supplies arriving at one port to be loaded on a vessel, aircraft, etc., for its exclusive use and to be exported from the same port.

Category:Sea Words

The largest of the headsails; corresponds to the genoa.

Category:Sea Words

The total gas pressure (static plus velocity).

Category:Sea Words


Guaranteed Safe Berth


The limiting values of ceiling, visibility, and wind, or runway visual range, established as safety minimum for aircraft landings and take-offs.


The ratio of the average load on (or power output of) a generating unit or system to the capacity rating of the unit or system over a specified period of time.

Category:Energy Terms

Satellite Navigation


Term for disabled vessel that had to fall out of a convoy and thus became easy prey for submarines.

Category:Sea Words

A sea on the quarter (coming from a side of the stern).

Category:Sea Words

The presence of contaminants in the air in concentrations that prevent the normal dispersive ability of the air, and that interfere with biological processes and human economics.

Category:Energy Terms