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Closest Point of Approach



Military Assistance Program.



Office of Naval Research


Total Allowable Level of Foreign Fishing


To cast overboard or off. To discard something as unwanted or burdensome. Goods or equipment may be jettisoned to lighten a ship in danger.

Category:Sea Words

See 'automated teller.

Category:Financial Terms

A triangular topsail set above the mainsail in a gaff-rigged vessel.

Category:Sea Words

International Council of Cruise Lines



Underwriters Lab.

Category:Sea Words

Medical First Aid Guide



Hopper Barge


All quoted companies have a legal obligation to send shareholders annual results within six.

Category:Financial Terms

A place not suitable for anchoring.

Category:Sea Words

A mortgage in which the rate of interest paid by the borrower follows movements in the base.

Category:Financial Terms

The downward flux of atmospheric radiation passing through a given level surface, usually taken as the earth's surface. This result of infrared (long-wave) absorption and reemission by the atmosphere is the principal factor in the greenhouse effect.


Neopanamax is a ship with dimensions greater than Panamax or Panamax Plus that comply with the size and draft limitations of the new locks, which are: • max length 366.0m. • max breadth 49.0m. • max draft (fresh water) 15.2m.

The measurement around the body of a ship. The half girth is taken from the center line of the keel to the upper deck beam end.

Category:Sea Words

A chromate conversion coating produced on magnesium alloys in a boiling solution of sodium dichromate.

Quantity of gas actually compressed and delivered to the discharge system at rated speed of the machine and under rated pressure conditions.

Category:Sea Words

Evidence of plastic deformation in structural materials. Also called plastic flow or creep. See also flow.