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Single Anchor Leg Mooring


The act of striking or collision of a moving vessel against a stationary object.

Category:Sea Words

United States Department of Agriculture


Biomass converted directly to energy or converted to liquid or gaseous fuels such as ethanol, methanol, methane, and hydrogen.

Category:Energy Terms


Port Forward.


An interior court to which rooms open.

Category:Energy Terms

A written agreement (also called a deed of trust) between a bond issuer and a purchaser which.

Category:Financial Terms

A ladder of rope with rungs, used over the side.

Category:Sea Words

A fan mounted on an attic wall used to exhaust warm attic air to the outside.

Category:Energy Terms

Deforming metal plastically under conditions of temperature and strain rote that induce strain hardening. Usually, hut not necessarily, conducted at room temperature. Contrast with hot working.

Those parts of the ship's navigating bridge extending towards the ship's sides.


A forceful resistance to recognized authority. A refusal to obey a legal order of a superior officer is also considered mutiny.

Category:Sea Words

The product of 1 hour, and usually the number of degrees Fahrenheit the hourly mean temperature is above a base point (usually 65 degrees Fahrenheit); used in roughly estimating or measuring the cooling load in cases where processes heat, heat from buildi ...

Category:Energy Terms


pattern barometer-Mercurial barometer with a fixed scale and cistern and which therefore requires only one adjustment before each reading.



European Economic Community.


One man Bridge Operation


A unit of measure for an electrical current; the amount of current that flows in a circuit at an electromotive force of one Volt and at a resistance of one Ohm. Abbreviated as amp.

Category:Energy Terms

Close beside a ship, wharf or jetty.

Category:Sea Words

The amount of interest due on bonds and dividends due on cumulative preferred stock but as yet.

Category:Financial Terms

A mast that is stepped (placed) on the deck of a boat rather than through the boat and keel stepped. The mast of a deck stepped boat is usually easier to raise and lower and are usually intended for lighter conditions than keel stepped boats.

Category:Sea Words