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The height at which the maximum wind speed occurs, determined in a winds-aloft observation.


A direct-vision nephoscope which is constructed in the following manner: a comb consisting of a crosspiece containing equispaced vertical rods is attached to one end of a column eight to ten feet long and is supported on a mounting that is free to rotate ...


(1) Broken water at bow of a vessel making way. (2) Disturbed water made by a propeller or paddle wheel. (3) The rush or sweeping of waves on a bank, shore, or vessel.

Category:Sea Words

The vertical barrel device used to heave in cable or lines.

Category:Sea Words

See bimetallic thermometer.


A metal plate fitting on the deck that can be opened to take on fuel or water

Category:Sea Words

A change in dimensions directly proportional to and in phase with an increase or decrease in applied force.

A bank operating in the seller's country, that handles letters of credit in behalf of a foreign bank.

Category:Financial Terms

Marine Accident Reporting Scheme Created by the Nautical Institute NI, the report are anonymous and do not provide any name of persons, ships or companies. The are published monthly in the NI publication 'Seaways'.The reports can be Emailed to mars@nautin ...


A thermodynamic cycle using constant pressure, heat addition and rejection, representing the idealized behavior of the working fluid in a gas turbine type heat engine.

Category:Energy Terms

Nautical name for an argumentative person.

Category:Sea Words

The property of a material by virtue of which deformation caused by stress disappears upon removal of the stress. A perfectly elastic body completely recovers its original shape and dimensions after release of stress.

Wind with a speed between 4 and 27 knots (4 and 31 mph); Beaufort scale numbers 2 through 6.


General name for an instrument which measures the evaporation rate of water into the atmosphere. See clay atmometer, evaporation pan, evapotranspirometer, Livingston sphere, Piche evaporimeter, radio atmometer.


The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of a given mass of a substance by one degree Celsius. The heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree Celsius is 4186 Joules.

Category:Energy Terms

Imparting resistance to oxidation to an iron or steel surface by heating in aluminum powder at 800 to 1000


Independent Tank, Wing


As defined by the Energy Security Act (PL 96-294) of 1980, "any organic matter which is available on a renewable basis, including agricultural crops and agricultural wastes and residues, wood and wood wastes and residues, animal wastes, municipal wastes, ...

Category:Energy Terms

A cylindrical navigation buoy painted green and having an odd number used in the United States as a navigational aid. At night they may have a green light.

Category:Sea Words

Japanese tapered pipe thread (Male).

Category:Sea Words