A materials handling/storage facility used for completely unitized loads in containers and/or empty containers. Commonly referred to as CY.
Stowage of general or special cargoes in a container for transport in the various modes.
Foreign matter carried in the air, gas or fluid to be filtered out. Includes air borne dirt, metallic particles produced by wear of moving parts of the air compressor, rust from metal pipelines.
the weight of a specified artificial contaminant that must be added to the influent to produce a given differential pressure across a filter at specified conditions. Used as an indication of relative service life.
any loss of performance due to the presence of contamination. Two basic types of contamination failure are: Perceptible -- gradual loss of efficiency or performance, and Catastrophic -- dramatic, unexpected failure.
A situation in futures trading where the future delivery price is greater than the cash or nearby.
Insurance which gives cover in respect of the contents of a home. This includes damage, theft or.
A region of relatively shallow water surrounding a land mass where the depth increases gradually before it plunges into the deeps of the ocean.
An order to execute a transaction in one security that depends on the price of another security..
Life assurance where payment of the sum assured depends on an event or events additional to the.
Liabilities that may or may not be incurred by a company and which depend on the outcome of say a.
A metallic connection that provides electrical continuity between metal structures.
Spaces in which the continuous or prolonged presence of seafarers is necessary for normal operational periods.
A term used by the London Stock Exchange to denote that a trade was reported for a transaction.
Goods which have been prohibited from entering a belligerent state by the declaration of a blockade.