The quantity of heat that a cooling appliance is capable of removing from a room in one hour.
A value used to estimate interior air cooling requirements (load) calculated as the number of degrees per day (over a specified period) that the daily average temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (or some other, specified base temperature). The dail ...
That amount of cooling energy to be supplied (or heat and humidity removed) based on the sensible and latent loads.
The 14 day period during which a new policy holder can cancel an insurance/assurance policy. This.
A body of water used to cool the water that is circulated in an electric power plant.
A structure used to cool power plant water; water is pumped to the top of the tubular tower and sprayed out into the center, and is cooled by evaporation as it falls, and then is either recycled within the plant or is discharged.
A cooling water supply system. There are two different types - Open and closed loop systems.
The general term for anemometers operating on the principle that the heat transfer to air from an object at an elevated temperature is a function of the air speed. Examples are the hot-wire anemometer and the katathermometer.
A compound with a central atom or ion bound to a group of ions or molecules surrounding it. Also called coordination complex. See also chelate, complexation, and ligand.
Thin sheets of copper applied to the hull of a wooden ship below the waterline to prevent the toredo worm eating the planks, and also to limit the growth of weed, barnacles or other marine life.
An accelerated corrosion test for some electrodeposits for anodic coatings on aluminum.
A technical analysis indicator named after Edwin Coppock, an economist who was asked by the.