A 19th century term for a yachtsman who sails his own yacht without the help of a professional skipper.
In meteorology, a deflecting force acting on a body in motion and resulting from the earth's rotation. It deflects air currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere, thus having an effect on wind direction.
To purchase enough of the available supply of a commodity or stock in order to manipulate its.
Vertical frame components fitted at the corners of the container, integral to the corner fittings and connecting the roof and floor structures. Containers are lifted and secured in a stack using the castings at the ends.
An instrument for photographing the corona and prominences of the sun at times other than at solar eclipse.
This rather grand term refers to various things that companies can do which affect the number of.
Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise capital. They are an alternative to issuing new.
An individual or organisation who seeks to take over a company by purchasing its.
A tax payable by a company on its profits. The full rate is 30%, but there is a lower rate for.
A fall in the price of shares, either of one company or a sector or the whole market, which is.
The chemical or electrochemical reaction between a material, usually a metal, and its environment that produces a deterioration of the material and its properties.
The severe loss of ductility of a metal resulting from corrosive attack, usually inter,granular and often not visually apparent.
The process in which a metal fractures prematurely under conditions of simultaneous corrosion and repeated cyclic loading at lower stress levels or fewer cycles than would be required in the absence of the corrosive environment.
The maximum cyclic stress value that a metal can with stand for a specified number of cycles or length of time in a given corrosive environment. See corrosion fatigue strength
The maximum repeated stress that can he endured by a metal without failure under definite conditions of corrosion and fatigue and for a specific number of stress cycles and a specified period of time.