A measure of the number of cycles or wavelengths of electrical energy per second; U.S. electricity supply has a standard frequency of 60 hertz.

Category:Energy Terms

A region of electrical contact between two different materials.

Category:Energy Terms

A numbering system using a base number of 16 and including the ten decimal digits (0 to 9) along with six alpha digits (A to F). Thus. a digit is available to represent each of the possible values of a 4-bit binary digit.


A numbering system using a base number of 16 and including the ten decimal digits (0 to 9) along with six alpha digits (A to F). Thus. a digit is available to represent each of the possible values of a 4-bit binary digit.



High Frequency (3-30 Mhz)



High Frequency



Heavy Fuel Oil



Harmonisation Group on ECDIS


Hydrostatic Balanced Loading



High Holding Power Anchors type. (NI)


The audio-frequency signal transmitted by the Diamond-Hinman radiosonde when the baroswitch pen passes each fifteenth contact of the commutator, up to a number determined by the design of the commutator, and each fifth contact thereafter. This signal is t ...


The audio-frequency signal transmitted by the Diamond-Hinman radiosonde when the baroswitch pen passes each fifteenth contact of the commutator, up to a number determined by the design of the commutator, and each fifth contact thereafter. This signal is t ...


In the US, assets owned by a company but undervalued on the balance sheet and accordingly not.

Category:Financial Terms

The center of an area of high pressure, usually accompanied by anticyclonic and outward wind flow. Also known as an anticyclone.


The center of an area of high pressure, usually accompanied by anticyclonic and outward wind flow. Also known as an anticyclone.


A fund which aims to pay a high dividend to its shareholders by investing in bonds or other.

Category:Financial Terms

The unofficial filtration industry description for filters designed to trap small size contaminants.

Category:Sea Words

A mortgage which is low in comparison to the amount deposited in cash by the.

Category:Financial Terms

A bond, issued by a highly regarded company or municipal authority with a rating of AAA or.

Category:Financial Terms

The area of sea not under the sovereignty of nations with a seaboard.

Category:Sea Words