A form of thermal energy resulting from combustion, chemical reaction, friction, or movement of electricity. As a thermodynamic condition, heat, at a constant pressure, is equal to internal or intrinsic energy plus pressure times volume.
A type of window glass that contains special tints that cause the window to absorb as much as 45% of incoming solar energy, to reduce heat gain in an interior space. Part of the absorbed heat will continue to be passed through the window by conduction and ...
A pattern of parallel surface cracks that are formed by alternate rapid heating and cooling of the extreme surface metal, sometimes found on forging dies and piercing punches. There may be two sets of parallel cracks one set perpendicular to the other.
The amount of heat in a quantity of matter at a specific temperature and pressure.
A device that produces mechanical energy directly from two heat reservoirs of different temperatures. A machine that converts thermal energy to mechanical energy, such as a steam engine or turbine.
A device used to transfer heat from a fluid (liquid or gas) to another fluid where the two fluids are physically separated.
Is used to cool compressed air or gas. Designed to reduce the temperature and liquefy condensate vapors.
The amount of heat introduced to a space from all heat producing sources, such as building occupants, lights, appliances, and from the environment, mainly solar energy.
The heat that flows from the building interior, through the building envelope to the outside environment.
A device that transfers heat by the continuous evaporation and condensation of an internal fluid.
An electricity powered device that extracts available heat from one area (the heat source) and transfers it to another (the heat sink) to either heat or cool an interior space or to extract heat energy from a fluid.
A water heater that uses electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly.
The ratio of fuel energy input as heat per unit of net work output; a measure of a power plant thermal efficiency, generally expressed as Btu per net kilowatt-hour.
Are categorized as internal or external heat reactivated. Internal type - Process air enters the dryer through the inlet piping, is then dried as it passes through the desiccant bed, and discharges through the outlet piping as dry air. Regeneration of the ...
A device that captures the heat from the exhaust air from a building and transfers it to the supply/fresh fresh air entering the building to preheat the air and increase overall heating efficiency.
The grilled opening into a room by which the amount of warm air from a furnace can be directed or controlled; may include a damper.