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An instrument which automatically determines the size distribution of raindrops.


The maximum positive and negative deviation observed in testing a device under specified conditions and by a specified procedure. It is usually measured as an inaccuracy and expressed as accuracy, typically in terms of the measured variable, percent of sp ...


Operation mode of a communication circuit in which each end can simultaneously transmit and receive.


A pyranometer developed by M. Robitzsch. Its design utilizes three bimetallic strips which are exposed horizontally at the center of a hemispherical glass bowl. The outer strips are white reflectors and the center strip is a blackened absorber. The bimeta ...


A pyrheliometer of the thermoelectric type. Radiation is allowed to fall on two concentric silver rings, the outer covered with magnesium oxide and the inner covered with lamp black. A system of thermocouples (thermopile) is used to measure the temperatur ...


A measure of the amount of "spin" (or rotation) in the atmosphere.


Temperarure at which a liquid solidifies under any given set of conditions. It may or may not be the same as the melting point or the more rigidly defined true freezing point or (for water) ice point.


The temperature registered by a thermometer with its bulb at the level of the tops of the grass blades in short turf.


The intensity (flux per unit solid angle) of visible radiation weighted to take into account the variable response of the human eye as a function of the wavelength of light. Usually expressed in candles.


A balloon used to carry a radiosonde aloft, considerably larger than pilot balloons or ceiling balloons.


A component of a radiosonde consisting of a series of alternate electrically conducting and insulating strips. As these are scanned by a contact the radiosonde transmits temperature and humidity signals alternately. The contact may be a baroswitch as in t ...


Precipitation composed of liquid water drops more than 0.5 mm in diameter, failing in relatively straight, but not necessarily vertical, paths. Compare to drizzle.


A rainbow seen in the spray of the ocean. It is optically the same phenomenon as the ordinary rainbow.


A wind scale adapted by the U.S. Forest Service for use in the forested areas of the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM). It is an adaptation of the Beaufort wind scale. The difference between these two scales lies in the specification of the visual effects of ...


Instrument for measuring the depth of water from precipitation that is assumed to be distributed over a horizontal, impervious surface and not subject to evaporation.


The component of the radiosonde which includes the modulating blocking oscillator and the radiofrequency carrier oscillator.


A wind (or component thereof) directed down the slope of an incline and caused by greater air density near the slope than at the same levels some distance horizontally from the slope. Also called drainage wind and sometimes called katabatic wind.


See ceilometer.


A small pointer extending downward from the top of the cistern of a Fortin barometer. The level of the mercury in the cistern is adjusted so that it just comes in contact with the end of the pointer, thus setting the zero of the barometric scale.


An instrument which automatically records the voltage applied to it, as a function of time.


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