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A general term for instruments which sample atmospheric suspensoids by impaction. Same as impactometer.


The depth below which the ground is saturated with water. No water table exists if the ground water is confined by an overlying impermeable stratum, as in the case of artesian ground water.


A type of instrument shelter. It is a wooden box painted white with double louvered sides and mounted on a stand four feet above the ground.


The measuring, transmitting, receiving, and indicating apparatus for obtaining the value of a quantity at a distance.



in folklore, a name for fire.


The correctable part of the inaccuracy of an instrument.


In general, the transformation of data from a "raw" form to some useable form. In meteorology, this often refers to the conversion of the observed value of an element to the value which it would theoretically have at some selected or standard level. The m ...


A component of the wind (often using Cartesian coordinates. i.e. X and Y wind vectors). Also, an arrow representing wind velocity, drawn to point in the direction of the wind and with a length proportional to wind speed.


The process by which small particles suspended in a medium of a different refractive index diffuse a portion of the incident radiation in all directions. In scattering no energy transformation results, only a change in the spatial distribution of the radi ...


Same as instrument shelter.


A liquid-in-glass or liquid-in-metal thermometer using mercury as the liquid.


Any one of a family of circular arcs consisting of concentric colored bands, arranged from red on the inside to blue on the outside, which may be seen on a "sheet" of water drops (rain, fog, spray). The most common of the many possible is the primary rain ...


An instrument for the measurement of the radon content of the atmosphere.


A small, moveable graduated scale adjacent and parallel to the main scale of an instrument. It provides a means for interpolating between the graduations of the main scale.


Apparatus consisting of (a) standard radiosonde and radiosonde ground equipment to obtain upper-air data on pressure, temperature, and humidity, and (b) a self-tracking radio direction-finder to provide the elevation and azimuth angles of the radiosonde s ...


The change in a performance characteristic caused by a change in a specified operating condition from reference operating condition, all other conditions being held within the limits of reference operating conditions.


The element directly responsive to the value of the measured variable.


Wind with a speed between 22 and 27 knots (25 and 31 mph); Beaufort scale number 6.


Same as wave pole.


The difference between the outgoing infrared terrestrial radiation of the earth's surface and the downcoming infrared counterradiation from the atmosphere.


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