Meteorology: Random Listings RSS

A defective maximum thermometer of the liquid-inglass type in which the mercury flows too freely through the constriction. Such a thermometer will indicate a maximum temperature that is too low.


The distance that an observer can see vertically into a surface-based obscuring phenomenon such as fog, rain, or snow. The distance estimate must be based upon ceiling balloon ascensions or ceiling light projector measurements.


Operation mode of a communication circuit in which each end can simultaneously transmit and receive.


A thin metal disc partially evacuated of air used to measure atmospheric pressure by measuring its expansion and contraction.


An accumulation of granular ice tufts on the windward sides of exposed objects that is formed from supercooled fog or cloud and built out directly against the wind.


Same as atmospheric pressure.



Abbreviation for binary digit. The smallest unit of information, equal to one binary decision, i.e. 1/0, on/off, yes/no.


A system in which radar techniques are used to determine the range, elevation, and azimuth of a radar target carried a!oft by a radiosonde, so that wind data may be obtained along with the other meteorological data.


The maximum difference in output for any given input (within the specified range) when the value is approached first with increasing, and then with decreasing, input signals. Caused by energy absorption in the elements of the measuring instrument. Usually ...


A conductor or system of conductors for radiating and/or receiving radio energy. Also called aerial.


The frequency of a carrier wave.


A graphical representation of a frequency distribution. The range of the variable is divided into class intervals for which the frequency of occurrence is represented by a rectangular column. The height of the column is proportional to the frequency of ob ...


A hygrometer using goldbeater's skin as the sensitive element. Variations of the physical dimensions of the skin caused by its hygroscopic character indicate relative humidity. (Note: Goldbeater's skin is the prepared outside membrane of the large intesti ...


The officially designated elevation of an airport above mean sea level, taken as the highest point on any of the runways of the airport. Same as airport elevation.


A semiconductor which exhibits rapid and extremely large changes in resistance for relatively small changes in temperature.


Anemometer whicb measures wind speed by measuring the degree of cooling of a metal wire heated by an electric current. A type of cooling power anemometer.


Same as atmometer.


A wind blowing in a direction perpendicular to the course of a moving object.


The amount of precipitation falling in one day, or other specified period, that is likely to be equalled or exceeded in any given place only once in a century. That is, a precipitation amount that has a return period of 100 years.


A record obtained from a meteorograph. A chart in which meteorological variables are plotted against time.
