Meteorology: Random Listings
The maximum deviation of any points from a straight line drawn as a "best fit" through the calibration points of an instrument with a linear response curve. Usually expressed as a percentage of full- scale range.
A graphical aid used in fire weather forecasting to calculate the degree of forest-fire danger (or burning index). Commonly in the form of a circular slide rule, the firedanger meter relates numerical indices of (a) the seasonal stage of foliage, (b) the ...
Very small precipitation drops (diameters less than 0.5 mm) that appear to float with air currents while falling in an irregular path. Unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground.
The direction, with respect to magnetic north, from which the wind is blowing. Distinguish from true wind direction.
Wind with a speed between 17 and 21 knots (19 and 24 mph); Beaufort scale number 5.
The ratio of the amount of electromagnetic radiation reflected by a body to the amount incipient upon it, commonly expressed as a percentage. The albedo is to be distinguished from the reflectivity, which refers to one specific wavelength.
An effect noted primarily in wet snow conditions when snow clings to the sides of a precipitation gauge and gradually accumulates until the gauge orifice is capped with accumulated snow. This effect can be minimized by using large collectors, and wind scr ...
A radiosonde whose carrier wave is modulated by audio-frequency signals whose frequency is controlled by the sensing elements of the instrument.
A type of photoelectric photometer used to measure high-altitude winds on the assumption that stellar scintillation is caused by atmospheric inhomogeneities being carried along by wind near the tropopause level.
Anemometer which generates an electrical contact output with a frequency proportional to wind speed.
A system of physical units based upon the use of the meter, the metric ton (106 grams), and the second as elementary quantities of length, mass, and time, respectively.
The change in a performance characteristic caused by a change in a specified operating condition from reference operating condition, all other conditions being held within the limits of reference operating conditions.
In meteorology, a deflecting force acting on a body in motion and resulting from the earth's rotation. It deflects air currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere, thus having an effect on wind direction.
Name applied to a class of instruments which measure the liquid content of the atmosphere.
Phase Shift Keying. A form of phase modulation of a data signal performed by a modem for transmission over dedicated wire or phone lines.