Sea Words: All Listings RSS

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The distance from the surface of the water to the main deck or gunwale.

Category:Sea Words

A structure of wooden or metal supports that make up the mounting for a ship's engine.

Category:Sea Words

Iron or steel straps fastened diagonally across a ship's frames to make a rigid framework.

Category:Sea Words

Old seafaring term meaning something very difficult or awkward. see Devil

Category:Sea Words

The short foot rope at the end of a yard at the outer corner of a square sail used when reefing or furling.

Category:Sea Words

A position based on estimations of a boat's position using estimated speed, currents, and the last known position/fix - of the boat.

Category:Sea Words

The north end of the earth's axis and also called North Geographic Pole. The direction indicated by 000

Category:Sea Words

Vessel said to be "on her beam ends" when she is lying over so much that her deck beams are nearly vertical.

Category:Sea Words

A term commonly used in connection with a bill of lading. It involves the transfer of rights, title and interest in order to assign goods by endorsing the bill of lading.

Category:Sea Words

To search for a sunken object by towing a grapnel along bottom.

Category:Sea Words

A U-shaped fitting closed with a pin across the open ends, the pin sometimes being threaded at one end and sometimes held in place with a cotter pin, and used to secure sails to lines or fittings, lines to fittings, fittings to fittings, anchors to chain, ...

Category:Sea Words

A fender made of granulated cork and covered with woven tarred stuff.

Category:Sea Words

A concrete foundation with lateral supports which rests upon a number of steel springs. Designed to deal with disturbing frequencies in vibration isolation

Category:Sea Words

Any point of sail with the wind coming from the side of the boat. If the wind is coming from directly over the side, it is a beam reach. If the wind is coming from forward of abeam it is a close reach. If the wind is coming from over the quarter, it is ca ...

Category:Sea Words

Where the water and sky or ground and sky appear to intersect.

Category:Sea Words

Running a compressed air system at a higher than needed pressure.

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Master Container Freight Station." See CFS.

Category:Sea Words

A line running from the stern of the boat to a dock or pier when moored.

Category:Sea Words

Leave the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

An extra or additional charge.

Category:Sea Words