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Articles handled only under certain conditions.

Category:Sea Words

A container insulated on the walls, roof, floor, and doors, to reduce the effect of external temperatures on the cargo.

Category:Sea Words

A short piece of line spliced into the end of the clapper by which the bell is struck. Traditionally it is finished off with a double wall knot crowned in its end.

Category:Sea Words

Sailing with the wind from astern, in the same direction toward which the wind is blowing

Category:Sea Words

Line on a chart linking points of equal depth. also known as a Depth Contour.

Category:Sea Words

Chocks which hold and anchor in place either in a locker or on deck.

Category:Sea Words

An indicator which signals the difference in pressure between any two points of a system or a component.

Category:Sea Words

Is a pipe extending downward from the bottom of the airline to collect any condensation flow in the pipe.

Category:Sea Words

Money paid by shipper to Master of ship for diligence in care of cargo. Not now paid to Master, but added to freight. Amount was usually about 1% of freight.

Category:Sea Words

A publication predicting the time and height of high tide and low tide.

Category:Sea Words

A rope passed around (center) a boat or other object for hanging.

Category:Sea Words

A device invented by Captain Jacques Cousteau in 1943 to enable a diver to operate underwater independent from an air supply from the surface.

Category:Sea Words

A spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve. The valve opens normally in proportion to the pressure increase over the opening pressure.

Category:Sea Words

To take in, or lower a sail. To put out a light. To cover with water.

Category:Sea Words

A complete package of pick up or delivery services performed by a carrier from origin to final consumption point.

Category:Sea Words

The space between the two sides of the shell of a block in which the sheave is fitted.

Category:Sea Words

A small storm jib made of very heavy cloth.

Category:Sea Words

Determination of the dutiable value of imported merchandise by a Customs official who follows procedures outlined in their country's tariff, such as the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930.

Category:Sea Words

Former name for the equipment of a vessel, and included the personnel.

Category:Sea Words

Is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense at atmospheric pressure. Is the same as dew point, but is related to atmospheric air only.

Category:Sea Words