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Is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense at atmospheric pressure. Is the same as dew point, but is related to atmospheric air only.

Category:Sea Words

A tariff imposed to discourage sale of foreign goods, subsidized to sell at low prices detrimental to local manufacturers.

Category:Sea Words

Imaginary lines drawn through the north and south poles on the globe used to measure distance east and west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England (designated as 0

Category:Sea Words

The man stationed aloft or in the bows for observing and reporting objects seen.

Category:Sea Words

Cargo delivered to/from the carrier where origin/destination of the cargo is in the local area.

Category:Sea Words

A set of wheels that support the front of a container; used when the automotive unit is disconnected.

Category:Sea Words

The Roman god of the sea, associated with Salacia, the goddess of Salt Water.

Category:Sea Words

To assist or help.

Category:Sea Words

The post that the rudder is attached to. The wheel or tiller is connected to the rudder post.

Category:Sea Words

An ornamental knot to provide a stopper on the end of a line.

Category:Sea Words


Course Over Ground

Category:Sea Words

A dust-collection chamber containing numerous permeable fabric filters through which the exhaust gases pass. Finer particulates entrained in the exhaust gas stream are collected in the filters for subsequent treatment/disposal.

Category:Sea Words

Illegal passenger who hides himself on board a ship in order to gain free passage or to escape from a country.

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Destination Rail Freight Station." Same as CFS at destination, except a DRFS is operated by the rail carrier participating in the shipment.

Category:Sea Words

The frame of a container constructed to hold one or more thermally insulated tanks for liquids.

Category:Sea Words

A vessel which, according to the applicable Navigation Rule, has right-of-way. Also known as the "stand on" vessel.

Category:Sea Words


A vessel's position determined by observation and navigational data.

Category:Sea Words

Anchor is off the sea bottom when being heaved in .

Category:Sea Words

The mast aft of the mainmast in a sailing ship - the shorter mast behind the main mast on a ketch or yawl, or the third aftermost mast of a three-masted schooner or square-rigged ship.

Category:Sea Words

Through transportation of a container and its contents from consignor to consignee. Also known as House to House. Not necessarily a through rate.

Category:Sea Words