Sea Words: All Listings RSS

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Lights required to be shown on boats underway between sundown and sunup.

Category:Sea Words

Similar to a whip, an instrument of punishment where seamen were flogged on their bare backs.

Category:Sea Words

A pole used as part of the sailboat rigging, such as masts, booms, gaffs, yards, etc. A vertical spar is a mast.

Category:Sea Words

A person who arranges for transportation of loads for a percentage of the revenue from the load.

Category:Sea Words

A positive displacement type compressor.

Category:Sea Words

Millions of cubic feet per 24 hour.

Category:Sea Words

LPG or propane for short. Propane is a common fuel used for cooking and heating. CNG natural gas is considered safer because propane is heavy than air and will sink into the bilge if it leaks, creating the potential for an explosion. Propane is more easil ...

Category:Sea Words

A vertical longitudinal center line section of a vessel.

Category:Sea Words

On wooden vessels, the frames or ribs of a ship, connected to the keel, which give shape and strength to the ship's hull.

Category:Sea Words

A flying bridge on top of a pilothouse or chart house.

Category:Sea Words

An audible or visual discharge at a pressure slightly lower than the set pressure on a valve. Warns the operator that the valve is about to open.

Category:Sea Words

Is a heat exchanger located immediately preceding an ejector to condense and remove a portion of the vapor in the mixture and thus reduce the total lb/hr to be handled.

Category:Sea Words

Compartment for the storage of oil or other fuel.

Category:Sea Words

The type of bottom that the anchor is set in.

Category:Sea Words

All countries require that the importer make a declaration on incoming foreign goods. The importer then normally pays a duty on the imported merchandise. The importer's statement is compared against the carrier's vessel manifest to ensure that all foreign ...

Category:Sea Words

A draft to which no documents are attached.

Category:Sea Words

One complete turn of the line around a cleat, spar or another line.

Category:Sea Words

A rest for a cargo-boom when lowered for securing for sea.

Category:Sea Words

In water transportation, the deliberate sacrifice of cargo to make the vessel safe for the remaining cargo. Those sharing in the spared cargo proportionately cover the loss.

Category:Sea Words

To break into a conversation.

Category:Sea Words